
Tahani Coolen-Maturi


Tahani Coolen-Maturi is a Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University, where she has been a faculty member since September 2018. Prior to this, she was a Lecturer at Durham Business School for six years and at Kent Business School for one year. Professor Coolen-Maturi holds a BSc in Mathematics, an MSc in Statistics, a PhD in Statistics from Durham University, and an MBA in Finance. Her research focuses on developing statistical methodologies for diverse applications in finance, reliability, and medical-related problems. With extensive teaching experience, she has taught courses in mathematics, statistics, probability theory, econometrics, and quantitative methods. Professor Coolen-Maturi is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and a UKCGE Recognised Research Supervisor.

Contact details

Dr Tahani Coolen-Maturi
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Durham University, DH1 3LE
Telephone: +44 (0) 191 33 41746
Room number: MCS3030
Email: tahani.maturi [at] durham.ac.uk




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