A.M.A. Aldawsari, T. Coolen-Maturi and F.P.A. Coolen (2025). Parametric Predictive Bootstrap Method for the Reproducibility of Hypothesis Tests, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, to appear. [preprint version]
F.P.A. Coolen and T. Coolen-Maturi (2024). Survival signature for system reliability, to appear in the International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science (Springer). to appear. [preprint version]
F.P.A. Coolen and T. Coolen-Maturi (2024). Nonparametric predictive inference, to appear in the International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science (Springer). to appear. [preprint version]
F.P.A. Coolen and T. Coolen-Maturi (2024). Statistical reproducibility, to appear in the International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science (Springer). [preprint version]
T. Coolen-Maturi, A. M. Mahnashi, F.P.A. Coolen (2024). Nonparametric Predictive Inference for Two Future Observations with Right-Censored Data. Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 33, 4, 338–372. [preprint version][Link]
F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi, A. M. Mahnashi (2024). Nonparametric Predictive Inference for Discrete Lifetime Data. Mathematics, 12(22), 3514. [preprint version] [Link]
F. M. Alghamdi, F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi (2024). Reproducibility of estimates based on randomised response methods. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 18, 57. [preprint version] [Link]
J. Einbeck, T. Coolen-Maturi, G. Uwimpuhwe, A. Singh (2024). A comparison of threshold-free measures for assessing the effectiveness of educational interventions. The Journal of Experimental Education, 1-18. [preprint version] [Link]
F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi (2024). Survival Signature for Reliability Quantification of Large Systems and Networks. In: Zamojski, W., Mazurkiewicz, J., Sugier, J., Walkowiak, T., Kacprzyk, J. (eds) System Dependability - Theory and Applications. DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1026. Springer, Cham. [preprint version] [Link]
Q. Zhang, G. Uwimpuhwe, D. Vallis, A. Singh, T. Coolen-Maturi, & J. Einbeck (2024). Elicitation of Priors for Intervention Effects in Educational Trial Data. In J. Einbeck, H. Maeng, E. Ogundimu, & K. Perrakis (Eds.), Developments in Statistical Modelling (28-33). Springer. [preprint version] [Link]
S. Moral-García, T. Coolen-Maturi, F.P.A. Coolen, J. Abellán (2024). A Bayesian Imprecise Classification method that weights instances using the error costs, Applied Soft Computing, 165, 112080. [preprint version]
S. Abdul Rehman, T. Coolen-Maturi, F.P.A. Coolen, J. Shabbir (2024). Reproducibility of mean estimators under ranked set sampling. Franklin Open, 8, 100139. [preprint version]
A.S.M. Al Luhayb, T. Coolen-Maturi and F.P.A. Coolen (2024). Smoothed Bootstrap Methods for Hypothesis Testing, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 18, 16. [preprint version]
F. M. Alghamdi, F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi (2024). Reproducibility of Statistical Tests Based on Randomised Response Data. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 18, 13. [preprint version]
A.S.M. Al Luhayb, F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi (2024). Smoothed Bootstrap for Right-Censored Data. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 53(11), 4037–4061. [preprint version]
M. Chang, F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi and X. Huang (2024). A generalized system reliability model based on survival signature and multiple competing failure processes, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1,435, 115364. [preprint version]
A.S.M. Al Luhayb, T. Coolen-Maturi and F.P.A. Coolen (2023). Smoothed bootstrap methods for bivariate data, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 17, 37. [preprint version]
F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi and G-J van Houtum (2023). Discussion of Signature-based Models of Preventive Maintenance. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 39(1): 68– 70. [preprint version]
T. Coolen-Maturi and F.P.A. Coolen (2023). A monotonicity property of weighted log-rank tests. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 52 (7), 2402-2416. [preprint version]
M. Chang, X. Huang, F.P.A. Coolen and T. Coolen-Maturi (2023). New reliability model for complex systems based on stochastic processes and survival signature, European Journal of Operational Research, 309(3), 1349-1364. [preprint version]
T. Coolen-Maturi (2022). The ordering of future observations from multiple groups. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 51(12), 7526-7543. [preprint version]
S. Moral-García, J. Abellán, T. Coolen-Maturi, F.P.A. Coolen (2022). A cost-sensitive Imprecise Credal Decision Tree based on Nonparametric Predictive Inference, Applied Soft Computing, 123, 108916. [preprint version]
T. He, F.P.A. Coolen and T. Coolen-Maturi (2022). Pricing exotic options in the incomplete market: an imprecise probability method. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 38, 422-440. [preprint version]
A. Simkus, F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi, N.A. Karp and C. Bendtsen (2022). Statistical reproducibility for pairwise t-tests in pharmaceutical research. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31(4), 673-688. [preprint version] [R codes]
F.P.A. Coolen and T. Coolen-Maturi (2021). Survival Signatures for System Reliability. In Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online (eds N. Balakrishnan, T. Colton, B. Everitt, W. Piegorsch, F. Ruggeri and J.L. Teugels). [Link]
S. Eryilmaz, F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi (2018). Marginal and joint reliability importance based on survival signature. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 172, 118-128. [preprint version]
Y-C Yin, F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi (2017). An imprecise statistical method for accelerated life testing using the power-Weibull model. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 167, 158-167. [preprint version]
F.P.A. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi (2016). The structure function for system reliability as (imprecise) probability, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 154, 180-187. [preprint version]
K.F. Tee, L.R. Khan and T. Coolen-Maturi (2015). Application of receiver operating characteristic curve for pipeline reliability analysis. Journal of Risk and Reliability, 229(3), 181-192.
T. Coolen-Maturi (2014). Nonparametric predictive pairwise comparison with competing risks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 132, 146–153. [preprint version]
T. Coolen-Maturi (2013). Islamic Insurance (Takaful): Demand and Supply in the UK. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 6(2): 87-104. [preprint version]
F.P.A. Coolen and T. Coolen-Maturi (2012). Generalizing the signature to systems with multiple types of components. In: Complex Systems and Dependability, W. Zamojski, J. Mazurkiewicz, J. Sugier, T. Walkowiak, J. Kacprzyk (editors). Springer, Berlin, pp. 115-130. [preprint version]
T. Coolen-Maturi and F.P.A. Coolen (2011). Unobserved, re-defined, unknown or removed failure modes in competing risks. Journal of Risk and Reliability, 225, 461-474. [preprint version]
T.A. Maturi, P. Coolen-Schrijner and F.P.A. Coolen (2010). Nonparametric predictive inference for competing risks. Journal of Risk and Reliability, 224(1), 11-26. [preprint version]
F. Coolen, T. Coolen-Maturi (2015). The structure function in system reliability. Proceedings 21st Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium, Loughborough, June 2015.
F.P.A. Coolen, P. Coolen-Schrijner and T.A. Maturi (2010). On nonparametric predictive inference for ordinal data. In: E. Hullermeier et al (eds) Computational Intelligence for Knowledge-Based Systems Design, Proceedings 13th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, Dortmund (Germany), June 2010. Springer, Berlin, 188-197.
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